Foundation for Sacred Plant Medicine

Professional Development

Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development is a way for professional practitioners to enhance their knowledge and skills throughout their working lives and aims to ensure that practitioners maintain and enhance the knowledge and skills needed to provide a professional service to their clients, customers and the community. 


Continuing Professional Development involves documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain, both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training. It is a record of what you experience, learn and then apply. 


All Full Members are asked to submit Continuing Professional Development on a regular basis (usually once per year) in order to show that they have remained active in their personal investment and that their knowledge and experience in the field of sacred plant medicine continue to progress. 


Continuing Professional Development incorporates countless self-improvement activities, some examples are listed below:

– Attending a relevant workshop, ceremony or conference
– Appropriate research
– Appropriate further training
– Attending FSPM AGM or other relevant meetings
– Writing a book, recording or filming